
Clay Gillentine

Superintendent of Schools


BRENHAM, TX – March 28, 2024
Today, during a Special Board Meeting held at noon, the Brenham Independent School District (Brenham ISD) Board of Trustees proudly announced the appointment of Mr. Clay Gillentine as the Superintendent of Brenham ISD. The decision was reached unanimously by the board members, marking a significant milestone for the district.

In his remarks during the meeting, newly appointed Superintendent Clay Gillentine expressed his gratitude for the opportunity, acknowledging the significance of the day before Easter weekend and extending his heartfelt thanks to his family, the board, and the community. Mr. Gillentine emphasized his commitment to the district's mission and to prioritizing the well-being and education of all students. He shared, "I'll come to work every day like I'm interviewing for my job. And number two, I'm in the kid business. Kids come first. We are Brenham."

Board President Natalie Lange also addressed the occasion, thanking Mr. Gillentine for accepting the position and recognizing the dedication and leadership he has demonstrated throughout his tenure with the district. She commended his collaborative approach and the positive impact he has already made on the district, expressing confidence in his ability to lead Brenham ISD forward.

Mr. Gillentine, who has been serving as Acting Superintendent since October 2023, previously held the role of Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, where he showcased a profound commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all students.

Brenham ISD, with a current enrollment just under 5,000 students, eagerly anticipates Mr. Gillentine's official appointment as Superintendent following the state-mandated waiting period. The board and the entire Brenham ISD community extend their warmest congratulations to Mr. Gillentine on his appointment and look forward to continued collaboration and progress under his leadership.
KWHI. (2024, March 28). Clay Gillentine hired as the new Brenham superintendent.
BISD Superintendent Clay Gillentine:

"Let me just say a couple of things if I can insist on a couple of notes here. First of all, it's kind of neat. This is the day before Easter weekend. I'm a person of faith. And I want to thank God first and foremost for this opportunity. Secondly, to my wife and kiddo this this job is a family commitment. Wow, is it a family commitment and you know, I thought I knew being at this cabinet-level now for a decade and several school districts and as the superintendent's designee. You think you understand that and until you're you're in that seat and it's a whole other level. So it's a family commitment, and thank you, thank you, to my family, to this board. The way we've come together. Thank you. Thank you for this opportunity to this board in the community you represent. To the community you represent it say thank you. Lastly, to my team, I can't look at them. I can't even I can't even speak to Them. I'll get emotional. So just thank you. Two promises. Number one, my wife hears me say this every morning. I'll come to work every day like I'm interviewing for my job. And number two, I'm in the kid business. Kids come first. We are Brenham. Thank you"

Debbie Gaskamp
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Email or Call 979-277-3700