Brenham ISD is proud to offer Peachjar, an innovative flyer management system that sends school-approved digital flyers directly to parents' inboxes! This “green” initiative saves paper and reduces copy costs for schools and community organizations. Parents can easily find, view flyers, and take action immediately to sign up for activities and events. These e-flyers are also posted on each school’s website for at least one month. Look for the Peachjar icon on your school’s website!
If you provided an email address upon registering your child in Brenham ISD, a Peachjar account has been established for you. You will receive an email from Peachjar with your login information so you can manage your account and flyer delivery preferences. You do not need to log in to receive or view e-flyers. If you did not provide your email address and would like to receive Peachjar e-flyers, let your school office know to add your email address to our student database. Please know that Peachjar is used exclusively for distribution of district- and school-approved flyers. Peachjar does not share or use your email address for any other purpose.
If you as a parent are not receiving emails from Peachjar, there are a few possible reasons for this:
- Your email address is not on file with your school or it is incorrect. Let your school office know to add or edit your email address in the student information system.
- The Peachjar emails are going into your spam folder or you can't see the images in the email. To prevent the e-flyers from going into your spam folder, add “” to your email contacts. When you receive your first e-flyer, be sure to click “always display images.” If you prefer text emails, you can indicate that in your Peachjar account. Text emails are also best for accessibility.
- You unsubscribed from Peachjar emails. To resubscribe, visit
Can't access your Peachjar account? See these FAQs for resetting your password and troubleshooting other issues.