Attendance Law
Compulsory Attendance Law & 90% Rule

Compulsory Attendance Law

The State of Texas requires that all students at least 6 years of age and not yet 19 attend school until they obtain a diploma. It is important that students attend school each day. There is a very strong connection between student attendance and academic performance in school. Therefore, when students miss class, they miss out on learning. See Brenham ISD Board Policies FEA (LOCAL) and FEA (LEGAL).

90% Rule

In addition to the Compulsory Attendance Law, there is the 90% law. In order to receive credit for a final grade for a class, a student is required to attend class 90 percent of the days a class is offered regardless of whether the student’s absences are excused or unexcused. See Brenham ISD Board Policies FEC (LOCAL) and FEC (LEGAL).


We do recognize that perfect attendance is not always possible. Ill children should be kept at home to allow recovery and to keep other students from contracting the illness if contagious. If your child is absent from all or part of a school day, the student—upon arrival or return to school—must bring a note signed by the guardian or health care professional that describes the reason for the absence. All notes should be provided within two days of returning to school. The campus will update attendance records based on the provided documentation.  If a student was out all day, but did not obtain a doctor’s note, a parent can write a letter for an excused absence.  Only 5 days per school year can be excused with a parent note.  These are still absences. They are just excused from truancy measures.  Any additional absences, not covered by a medical note, will count towards truancy measures. If you have any questions about your child’s attendance record, please ask your child’s school.




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